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Bearcamp Pond Association
Bearcamp Pond Association 100% of your dues and donations are tax deductible. Sponsored by Bearcamp Pond Association
Guidelines — Bearcamp Pond Association
General Use: We ask that visitors to Bearcamp Pond comply with local parking ordinances as well as state guidelines for boat conveyance and travel. The beach is open to both Tamworth and Sandwich re...
History of the BCPA — Bearcamp Pond Association
BECOME PART OF BEARCAMP POND ASSOCIATION HISTORY Whether you grew up near it, summer on it or just discovered it, become part of the Bearcamp Pond Association history and its ongoing purpose. Join t...
Mission — Bearcamp Pond Association
OUR PURPOSE Our purpose is to preserve the natural beauty of Bearcamp Pond, a 167 acre pond located in Carroll County in the Town of Sandwich, NH, and the surrounding vicinity through volunteer partic...
Easy Ways You Can Help to Preserve and Protect the Natural Beauty of Bearcamp Pond — Bearcamp Pond
Be considerate of loons while boating and fishing; keep a safe distance from them of 150 feet, as recommended by the Loon Preservation Committee. To protect them from injury and death, pick up any loo...
News and Updates — Bearcamp Pond Association
NOTICE: JUNE, 2023 The Bearcamp Pond has been without loon chicks for the last five years. There are a number of reasons why the chicks have not survived, unfortunately the Loon Preservations Society ...