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Beatdom - A Beat Generation Literary Journal
Jack Micheline died twenty-one years ago, but last week I received a copy of his new book, On...Read More
New Beat Generation Books 2021
A collection of books about the Beat Generation slated for publication in 2021, featuring works on Burroughs and Kerouac.
Beatdom #20 is on Sale
Announcing the release of Beatdom #20 - the Post-Beat issue, featuring articles on Hunter S. Thompson, Bob Kaufman, Denise Levertov, and Diane di Prima.
Beatdom #21 - Contents
In a little over one month, we will release Beatdom #21. This year, we have chosen the theme of CHANGE, which has inspired a wonderful collection of submissions ranging from Leroi Jones’ transformatio...
Beat Books and Other Updates
As 2021 draws to a close, I wanted to post a short update about Beatdom, our publications, and the state of Beat Studies for this year and next. In March, we published Chris Kelso’s fascinating book, ...
Beatdom Books - Beatdom Literary Journal by David S. Wills
Beatdom Books now print books about the Beat Generation, which can be found as paperbacks or Amazon Kindle editions here. Recent publications include: