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Class Memberships — Beattitude Fitness
Starts the day of purchase for 21 consecutive days. If you wish to purchase but start it at a later date within the next few weeks, purchase your tryout pack and then email ...
Timetable — Beattitude Fitness
To view a full week horizontally, please log into your computer and click the link below. Otherwise our vertical timetable is below.
Fitness Introductory Offers — Beattitude Fitness
A fitness offers for new clients. The offer gives you fitness classes, small group personal training and personalised coaching for 30 days. Located in Wandsworth, South West London.
Meet our Coaches — Beattitude Fitness
MEET THE TEAM All of our trainers are experts in female fitness who are passionate about helping women take ownership of their fitness. We are proud of the welcoming community we have created and can’...
About Us — Beattitude Fitness
Why did she open Beattitude? Well, her first business was a personal training business in Kensington, London. She saw two trends happening and decided to do something about it. There were women who wa...
Fitness Classes — Beattitude Fitness
The home of womens fitness in London. We offer a range of fitness classes from HIIT workouts, to Strength training, Core classes and Yoga. We also offer prenatal fitness and postnatal fitness clas...