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ConTeng ConTeng DeaN
ConTeng ConTeng DeaN . . NeeD 2 EaT a WHoLe GiGantic DuriAn To ThiNK WhaT aM i SuppOse 2 WRiTe sOmeTng AbouT mE -29 july 1987 . WhEn IT ComeS To MusIC..I ALwaYs BeLieVe DaT, muSic CaN HeLp Us Ex...
ConTeng ConTeng DeaN: ZeRo IDea
Ahhhhhh.. I hate dis feeling..bile bukak je ma blog..tgk sume blog y di link in my page, sume come out with new post…jelous..are they faci...
ConTeng ConTeng DeaN: new year in bed room
ASSALAMUALAIKUM Last day of year 2008 At the office (internship program): times goes by so slowly. Nadia and I felt really bored be...
ConTeng ConTeng DeaN: u r zero
I hate my self!!!! Someone, please call the doctor, I am going crazy right now. I really need space and I wish to have extra time. Let me ...
ConTeng ConTeng DeaN: nervous : move or static
Assalamualaikum.. Dia..dia..dan dia..semua cakap nervous ..aku pun sama.. Alahai esok kena buat final presentation untuk projek capstone...
ConTeng ConTeng DeaN: week 3 of internship
assalamualaikum.. example of technical drawing - internship - week 3 itu gambar-gambar technical drawing yg perlu di kaji.. total number of ...