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How to make your own beer – Beer Can Lah
How to brew beer in Singapore
About – Beer Can Lah
About beer can lah is a journal of homebrewing, tasting and other beer and food related thoughts of Nick Lewty and Natasha Hong. United in our love for craft brews and the occasional whiskey, w...
How we brew – Beer Can Lah
Nick & Nat chronicling their growth making homebrews and tasting beer.
The smelliest beer ever created – Beer Can Lah
Stinky beer starter In my pursuit of making an ever more sour beer trying to push the P.H. down. I ended up making the smelliest beer. It has a strong aroma of blue cheese and possibly vomit. I reme...
The science behind our brew equipment – Beer Can Lah
Equipment In this section we cover the equipment we use for all grain brewing. Due to Nick’s and our housemate Markus’ background a lot of this stuff is electronics and programing stitched together th...
Our homebrews – Beer Can Lah
The October (or in German, Oktober) homebrew meetup was a BBQ to celebrate the great German festival of Oktoberfest. The festival usually involves 20,000 sweaty people in a tent getting blind drunk on...