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Being Cynical
We Aren’t Fixing It – Part II - Being Cynical
It is unfortunate that I have to write a sequel of it after 7 years. The brutal rape and murder of a veterinarian in Hyderabad had got ...
Abolition Of Triple Talaq – What Took Us So Long? - Being Cynical
Personal laws in India were always been a sensitive issue. When it comes to Muslim personal law, it is even double sensitive. Other pers...
The Caste And The Curious - Being Cynical
Caste plays a very vital role in Indian politics. We would be fooling ourselves if we remain in denial. In India no election can be fough...
The Process Of Being A Chetan Bhagat - Being Cynical
I never read Chetan Bhagat. I am not saying he is a bad writer but then he is far from being an average one, let alone good. When it com...
Rana Ayyub – The Unimaginative Liar - Being Cynical
I have said this earlier; Rana Ayyub is a confused liar. She is third rate with her journalistic works too. Post ‘Charlie Hebdo’ peace...