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Home | berkeleychinasummit
Berkeley China Summit (or “BCS”) , founded in 2016, is an annual conference held at UC Berkeley every fall, with the mission to highlight Berkeley‘s strengths and to encourage bilateral discussion and...
Organizers | berkeleychinasummit
张露丹 Bella Zhang, VC of Marketing 莫祥熙 Simon Mo, Director of WeChat 黄橙橙 Cici Huang, Director of Website 刘佳晶 Annie Liu
Tsu-jae Liu | berkeleychinasummit
- Roy W. Carlson Professor of Engineering - Faculty member of the Kavli Energy NanoSciences Institute - Affiliate faculty of the UC Berkeley Applied Science & Technology Graduate Program Biography: ...
Speaker Series #1 | berkeleychinasummit
Speaker Series #1 Our first Speaker Series invited three presidents of BCS 2019, 2020, and 2021 to meet you online, which received over 500 page views. The theme was the introduction and experience of...
Wenhong Zhang | berkeleychinasummit
Just as Dr. Fauci does the straight talking about COVID-19 in the United States, Dr. Zhang Wenhong does it in China. Dubbed the Gatekeeper of Shanghai, Dr. Zhang led the team of experts that guided ...
BCS 2019 | berkeleychinasummit
Overview One Day of Powerful Talks Organized and sponsored by official UC Berkeley alumni and students organizations, endorsed and supported by UC Berkeley administration, Berkeley China Summit 伯克利中美峰...