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First United Methodist Church Berthoud – Join Us
We invite you to worship with us. Church Giving Your donations support the important work of this church, in our building, in our community, and beyond our community. Every little bit helps, and all d...
ABOUT US – Berthoud Methodist Church
Feel free to contact us, and please come join us! Who We Are We believe that every person is the object of God’s steadfast love and grace. Therefore, we will love, we will care for, and we will nurtu...
EVENTS – Berthoud Methodist Church
Craft and Food Fair
WORSHIP WITH US – Berthoud Methodist Church
Worship Services Worship Services are every Sunday at 10:00 AM. You can attend in person, or you can join the live stream on YouTube live streams. Services are recorded every Sunday, so you can view a...
History – 3 – 1950s – Building at 9th and Lake – Berthoud Methodist Church
Building the Third (current) Church By the early 1950s members felt that the church building was outdated, in need of significant repair, and not large enough to accommodate the ever-growing congregat...
History – 4 – 1957-2007 Significant Moments – Berthoud Methodist Church
50 Years of Weddings and Baptisms Between Dedication Sunday (August 25, 1957) and 50th Anniversary Sunday (September 16, 2007), 134 wedding ceremonies and 465 baptisms were performed in the church. T...