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Home Page - BESA
BESA in the Press
Resources to support remote-learning
BESA has relaunched and repurposed its online educational technology trialling portal LendED to help connect teache...
About Us - BESA
BESA, the British Educational Suppliers Association, is the trade association for the UK education suppliers sector. We operate on a not-for-profit basis and are accountable to an Executive Council el...
What We Do - BESA
BESA, the British Educational Suppliers Association, is the trade association covering the entirety of the UK educational suppliers sector. It operates on a not-for-profit basis, and is accountable to...
Key UK education statistics - BESA
How many schools are there in the UK? There are currently 32,028 schools in the UK. Of these, 3,069 are nurseries or early-learning centres, 20,807 are primary schools, 22 are middle schools and 4,190...
Join Now - BESA
We believe schools deserve peace of mind when they buy from BESA members. That’s why every company who joins fulfils our rigorous membership criteria.