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Destination Yisra'el
Searching for the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel who are yearning to go or move to Israel and discover your Hebrew-Judaic Roots and become restored with the Jews of the House of Israel
Destination Yisra'el: Civil War in Israel
A Blog for the Lost Ten Tribers Awakening to their New Reality
Destination Yisra'el: Historical and Natural Landmarks in Israel
The Washington Post - “A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the c...
Destination Yisra'el: Famous Lost Israelites and Jews
(Note the Painter of the above picture show King Genseric the Vandal Lost Israelite warriors carrying the Menorah from King Herod’s Temple out of Rome in the days of Pope Leo I standing to the right...
Destination Yisra'el: War against Israel
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Destination Yisra'el: Spiritual Quest at the Time of the End
Introduction In part one of this series we became acquainted with the fascinating document, Emeq HaMelekh and the roles of five worthy men, Shimur Ha Levi, Haggai (Chaggai the Prophet), Zechariah son...