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Bibles International - the Bible Society of Baptist Mid-Missions
Home of Bibles International - The Bible Society of Baptist Mid-Missions
Translation | Bibles International
Bibles International exists to advance Christ's church through reliable Bible translation; supported by literacy, training, and publishing services; in…
Resources | Bibles International
Bibles International exists to advance Christ's church through reliable Bible translation; supported by literacy, training, and publishing services; in worldwide partnership with individuals, churches...
About | Bibles International
In their church-planting efforts, Baptist Mid-Missions workers saw the need for a Bible in the language of the people to whom they ministered, and often they attempted to do the translating themselves...
Articles of Faith | Bibles International
Articles of Faith We believe that the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments are verbally inspired of God and inerrant in the original writing, and that they are of supreme and final authority ...
Resources for Individuals | Bibles International
Make your donation now Vestibulum quam nisi, pretium a nibh sit amet, consectetur hendrerit mi. Aenean imperdiet lacus sit amet elit porta, et malesuada erat bibendum. Cras sed nunc massa. Quisque tem...