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Big Tix ticket sales powered by Oztix
The Cambridge Hotel You have tickets reserved. You have a limited time to complete your booking before your reservation expires and you will have to start your reservation process again....
Big Tix ticket sales powered by Oztix
Venue Information for The Cambridge Hotel, Newcastle, NSW One of the most popular live entertainment venues for original bands in Australia, the Cambridge Hotel has hosted everyone from Silv...
Big Tix - Powered By Oztix
Who you are buying from This web site and the web site (the "Oztix Website") are owned and operated by Ticket Solutions Pty Ltd (ACN 106907206) t/as Oztix of PO Box 476, Annerley, 4103,...
Big Tix - Powered By Oztix
This statement and the Privacy Policy here applies to Ticket Solutions Pty Ltd (ABN 94 106 907 206) trading as The Merchant and our related bodies corporate (herein referred to as " the Merchant, our...
Big Tix - Powered By Oztix
COPYRIGHT 2013 This site and its contents are subject to copyright. The copyright is owned by Ticket Solutions Pty Ltd trading as oztix. In some cases, material may be owned by a third party and licen...
Big Tix ticket sales powered by Oztix
5receipt You have tickets reserved. You have a limited time to complete your booking before your reservation expires and you will have to start your reservation process again. You can keep an eye on t...