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Databases Archive - Billerica Public Library
Billerica Public Library
E-Resources A-Z - Billerica Public Library
Unless indicated as “In Library Use Only,” these resources are available from any internet connection. Most databases will require you to enter your Library card number for access outside the library.
Library of Things - Billerica Public Library
History - Billerica Public Library
History of the Billerica Public Library Library service in Billerica has a long heritage. A library known as the Social Library was formed in Billerica in 1772, a second one being incorporated in 1809...
Accessibility - Billerica Public Library
The Billerica Public Library strives to make its website, spaces, resources, and services accessible to all users, including those who may not be able to visit the library. Website Spaces Resources Se...
Virtual Collections - Billerica Public Library
Virtual Collections Billerica By The Book A collection of books on Billerica history available through Google Books and other resources. Access full online text here. Billerica Garden Suburb The Gar...