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Contact | BIS
Contact The BIS administrative office is located at the Hoover Crescent Islamic Center, and is open Monday through Friday, 8:15 AM to 2:15 PM. Address
WIS Registration | BIS
Declaration I hereby authorize the BIS-WIS to take my child/children to a licensed physician or medical center in the event of an emergency in which neither parents can be reached. Check here to accep...
Membership | BIS
BIS Membership Declaration Upon submission of this form and receipt of membership fee (whether one ore more) hereby certifies that he/she abides by the BIS Constitution and that: (1) A Muslim is one w...
Dear brothers and sisters, BIS leadership has been working with the experts to make enhancements to the BISAPP. Beginning with next Friday’s November 20th Jummah registration, BISAPP will be the on...
Aug 13, 2021 The following message is from your BIS Board: In light of the recent developments in the coronavirus and the surge in the levels of hospitalizations and deaths here and around the country...
Weekend Islamic School | BIS
News BIS is pleased to announce that Weekend School will resume in person for the fall semester InshaAllah. Please make sure to register your children on BIS Website. Our teachers are working diligen...