BINDT Training & PCN Exam - bitndtindia
BINDT Training & PCN Exam
BINDT Training & PCN Exam
BIT Inspection Technology focus with sincerity and authentic approach in giving new dimension to NDT / Welding Inspection Training.
About BIT - bitndtindia
BIT Inspection Technology” is formed by eminent professionals possessing PCN / ASNT NDT LEVE L-III Certification in RT,UT,PT,MT,VT & ET NDT Methods, certified Senior Welding Inspector CSWIP3.2, AWS-SC...
PCN Basic ( Level 3 ) - bitndtindia
PCN Basic ( Level 3 )
Why complete this course?
This is a guidance course aimed at the PCN Level 3 requirements for NDT practitioners to prepare them for the Level 3 Basic examination. The main obje...
Visual Testing - bitndtindia
Visual Testing
Why attend this course?
Designed to provide a full appreciation of the methods and practices of visual testing. A high level of theoretical and practical content is offered within these...
Penetrant Testing - bitndtindia
Penetrant Testing
Why attend this course?
Candidates will have the opportunity to use the various techniques on welds, castings and wrought products whilst gaining detailed theoretical and pr...
Certificate Verification - bitndtindia
Certificate Verification
About BIT
BIT Inspection Technology” is formed by eminent professionals possessing PCN / ASNT NDT LEVE L-III Certification in RT,UT,PT,MT,VT & ET NDT Methods, certified Senior...