Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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Web Development for Non-Profits Using Drupal and CiviCRM | Blackfly
Web Development We build new sites, rebuild old sites, and also provide ongoing support and development for existing installations. We understand your website as a tool to support your communications ...
Services | Blackfly Solutions
We specialise in providing a managed hosting service for Drupal and CiviCRM sites, since 2007. Using dedicated servers in Canada, we provide a service built with container technology, that scales from...
Support | Blackfly Solutions
Any website is an continuously evolving project. We offer several support options depending on if you need ongoing help or just occasional technical support.
Portfolio | Blackfly Solutions
The Travel Media Association of Canada meets annually in person and provides networking opportunities between the industry and media members. A big contributor to the networking is an opportunity for ...
About Blackfly | Blackfly Solutions
Blackfly Solutions is an association of web development professionals who specialize in non-profit websites.
- An Organizational Self-Assessment Web Application | Blackfly Solutions
Orgwise is a project of OCASI -- a coalition of agencies serving immigrants in Ontario. The site enables settlement organizations to self-assess themselves in terms of operations, human resources, gov...