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Learning In Afterschool & Summer Blog: The Importance of Routines and Rituals in Afterschool
Source: By Guest Blogger: Rebecca Fabiano, MSED, Executive Director of FAB Youth Philly I saw this tweet several years ago ...
Learning In Afterschool & Summer Blog: A Guide to Implementing the LIAS Learning Principles
By Sam Piha Sam Piha The Learning in Afterschool & Summer learning principles have made great inroads to the quality conversation in ...
Learning In Afterschool & Summer Blog: July 2021
The Learning in Afterschool Project is an effort by afterschool advocates and leaders to unify the field of afterschool and focus the movement on promoting young people’s learning. This means offering...
Learning In Afterschool & Summer Blog: New Survey Shows that Afterschool Programs are Still in High
Source: NHP Foundation By Guest Blogger, Nikki Yamashiro (Previously published by The Afterschool Alliance ) Back-to-school season is in ful...
Learning In Afterschool & Summer Blog: Youth Mental Health: What Can We Do in Afterschool (Part 2)
By Sam Piha “These [afterschool] programs are uniquely positioned to support and promote children’s healthy development, inclusive of menta...
Learning In Afterschool & Summer Blog: Principles of Engaged Learning
By Sam Piha Sam Piha "Engaged Learning" is a phrase that we have been hearing a lot about. It is often cited by educational researche...