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For what it's worth: Cabbage Soup Diet - Day 5
First to recap Day 4, also known as bananas and milk day. Day 4 was the day I most dreaded because it was limited to cabbage soup, up to si...
For what it's worth: Cabbage Soup Diet - Day 1
It is Monday, the first day of my Cabbage Soup Diet. The internet site, where I found the information and recipe, warns that one should onl...
For what it's worth: Cabbage Soup Diet - Day 3
What a difference a baked potato makes! Before dinner last night, I was questioning if I would make it another day on this diet of deprivati...
For what it's worth: February 2005
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For what it's worth: 2015
I thought I would re-publish an updated version of something I wrote here over eleven years ago It seems more important than ever in today's dog eat dog world. And that is the art of an apology. I had...
For what it's worth: Deciding to Try the Cabbage Soup Diet
Two years ago, I reached my heaviest weight ever in my life. Most of my life I had been thin, both naturally and because I was a runner. B...