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The National Blueberry Festival is an annual celebration of blueberries held on the second weekend of August each year in beautiful South Haven, Michigan! Outdoor concerts, craft fair, 5K/10K, pageant...
Parade | National Blueberry F
Facts, Policies, and Regulations Please use the entrance on LaGrange. Parade starts at 11:00 a.m. All units must be in place no less than one (1) hour prior to step-off, or by 10:00 a.m. Line-Up will ...
5k Run | National Blueberry F
1301 M-43 South Haven, MI 49090 Saturday, August 12th, 6:45am - 7:45am at the Riverfront Marina located on Water Street COVID Safety We are thrilled to be able to offer our community and visitors...
About | National Blueberry Festival
SOUTH HAVEN'S SIGNATURE EVENT SINCE 1963 It's about family traditions. It's about gratitude and pride in our community. It's about blueberries. Our Mission is to recognize, appreciate and celebrate th...
Youth Program | National Blueberry F
An optional practice for this year’s program will be held Thursday, August 3rd from 6:00-7:30PM at Beeches Golf Club. A mandatory practice and individual interview will take place Wednesday, Augus...
FAQs | National Blueberry F
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Where can I buy blueberries and blueberry products? Blueberries and blueberry products are available at the Blueberry Central Market located at the Huron Street Pavilion (...