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The Association of Book Publishers of British Columbia
Resources Books BC provides information to writers, small and large publishers, educators and those who are looking for information on a career in publishing. If you cannot find the information you se...
The Association of Book Publishers of British Columbia
In Fall 2018, we sent out the inaugural BC Book Box for Schools. All the items included in the box were reviewed by an active teacher librarian, who assessed them for suitability in a K–12 setting an...
The Association of Book Publishers of British Columbia
Criteria: Books published in British Columbia are eligible to be included in the weekly BC Bestseller List. Pre-pub titles are eligible. Map books with substantial text are eligible. Books with ads, c...
The Association of Book Publishers of British Columbia
Book Proposals Writers wishing to submit manuscripts to publishers should check the publisher’s website for their submission guidelines. Most publishers will want to receive a letter of enquiry and th...
The Association of Book Publishers of British Columbia
BC Societies Act on April 28, 1978. Books BC supports the aspirations and activities of its membership through cultural, economic, and political initiatives and engages book-related communities in Bri...
The Association of Book Publishers of British Columbia
BC Books for BC Schools and Canadian Indigenous Books for Schools catalogues include 200+ titles selected and evaluated by teacher-librarians and educators for grade range, subject matter, and BC cur...