Google Books
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About Google Books – Google Books
Find the perfect book for your purposes and discover new ones that interest you.
About Google Books
Book Search works just like...
Google Books History – Google Books
In the beginning, there was Google Books.
Well, not exactly. But one can certainly argue that the project is as old as
Google itself. In 1996, Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page were
FAQ – Google Books
Question: Can I download books for free using Google
Answer: Google Books helps you search within and
discover books. When you find a book that's still under copyri...
Google Books Library Project
Google Books Library Project – An enhanced card catalog of the world's books
We're working with several major libraries to include their collections in Google Books and, like a card catalog, show us...
Google Books
The main Google Privacy Policy describes how we treat personal information when you use Google's products and services, including Google Play. This additional policy for books on Google Play does thre...