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Boxing Along The Beltway: December 2021
"The place to go if you want to know about any upcoming show or results, from amateur to the pros, in Virginia, Maryland and the District." -- Thom Loverro, Washington Times.
Boxing Along The Beltway: Beltway Amateurs Compete in Under-19 National Championships!
We have three Beltway amateurs competing in the national Under-19 Championships in Cincinnati, OH. Alantez Fox (152 pounds) D'Mitrius Balla...
Boxing Along The Beltway: Special Night at DC Boxing Hall of Fame Ceremonies!
The Washington DC Boxing Hall of Fame inducted eight new members during its 28th annual awards banquet at Martin's Crosswinds in Greenbelt, ...
Boxing Along The Beltway: Beltway Boxing Starts The Decade Early!
The first three months of Beltway Boxing 2010 will be very interesting with some big bouts -- home and away -- already lined up. First, some...
Boxing Along The Beltway: Summer Means Big Bouts for Beltway Boxers!
As we head into the summer months, some Beltway Boxers seem to be heading into some interesting bouts. Thanks to the anonymous poster who ...
Boxing Along The Beltway: Beltway Boxing Update!
I have been bombarded with a lot of news items in the last 48 hours, so I decided to put them all in one post. For those who could not hear ...