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MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTP has not yet implemented SSL encryption.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
Popular pages
Features - Business Process Management for .Net
Business Process Management for .Net
Documentation - Business Process Management for .Net
Documentation Features The engine of BPM.NET suite is fully built on top of Windows Workflow 4+ and co...
Documentation for the Business - Business Process Management for .Net
Documentation for the Business 1. Introduction The BPM.NET Designer is a standalone tool shipped as part of the BPM.NET system. The purpose of the ...
Visual Tracking Sample - Business Process Management for .Net
Visual Tracking Sample 1. Introduction Microsoft has provided a sample to show the visual tracking in the workflow rehosted designer. This makes the designer really impressiv...
Task Control Panel Sample - Business Process Management for .Net
Task Control Panel Sample 1. Introduction In the new version of BPM4Net, the new activity Task is added into the process activities. The Task activity is added to handle hu...
Documentation for Visual Studio - Business Process Management for .Net
Documentation for Visual Studio 1. Introduction The BPM.NET for Visual Studio 2010 is a Visual Studio extension to Windows Workflow 4.0+. The pur...