Macbeth videos
Macbeth videos
Note the setting, Duncan’s attitude.
Royal Shakespeare Company’s
Macbeth 1.2
Compare Duncan here with Polanski’s Duncan. What differences do you see and how does it affect your opinio...
Teacher Recommendations
John P. Kaminski
The full title of the book is The Great Triumvirate: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison In the Eyes of their Contemporaries. Virginia played a central role in the...
Mr. B’s Educational smorgasbord
Mr. B’s Educational smorgasbord
This is the place to find information related to Grade 10 and Shakespeare. On each class’s page you will find a calendar, lists of resources, and other important ann...
Welcome! Thank you for visiting the Shakespeare Resource Center. You'll find here collected links from all over the World Wide Web to help you find information on William Shakespeare...
The Matrix
The Matrix
(fax) 203.452.4516
As you view this clip consider the following: the setting, the weather, reflections, choices, waking up, fate, control, what you know, truth, freedom.
Morpheus says the M...
Welcome to our English class. This is a half year class, which will focus on reading and responding to literature, creative and critical thinking, writing, vocabulary. I look forward t...