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About Brad
About Brad I’m a husband, father, engineer, resident of Utah County and state legislator. I’m proud of my roots. I grew up on a farm, and as a farmer’s son - experienced planting something, nurturing ...
Oops.. there don't appear to be any lists for you to subscribe to! Dear Neighbor, My survey this year is intentionally short and covers only the most prominent issues that will be addressed this ...
Contact Brad
Contact Brad Contact Brad Thank you for visiting! If you have questions regarding Brad's position on a variety of issues, please visit the Issues page. If you have specific questions...
Health Care In Utah
Health Care In Utah Health Care In Utah This past week saw Governor Herbert and the legislature discussing possible Medicaid expansion in Utah. This is a difficult path to tread. The...
I need your help.
I need your help. I need your help. One of the greatest privileges I've had in my life was serving Orem and the state of Utah for eight years in the House of Representatives. I had t...
Alternative Energy
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