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Home - Harvard Brain Science Initiative
Snapping Back to Reality The mind can wander and uncouple from the present experience of the body, but how does it snap back into the present? Jordan Farrell shares new research that points towards a ...
Building a Map of the Human Brain Functional Connections at the Mesoscale - Harvard Brain Science
Building a Map of the Human Brain Functional Connections at the Mesoscale By Jiarui Wang and Gabriel Kreiman Network models seek to explain how individual brain regions critical for vision, hearing, l...
Neuro Topics - Harvard Brain Science Initiative
Neuro Topics SEARCH OTHER RESEARCH AREAS Harvard researchers are deeply committed to understanding nervous system development and function, in both healthy and disease states. Basic scientists and cli...
Labs - Harvard Brain Science Initiative
Harvard Brain Science Initiative HARVARD AFFILIATE HOSPITALS Brigham and Women’s Hospital Boston Children’s Hospital Neuroscience Labs at Harvard Harvard’s diverse neuroscience community — hundreds ...
About - Harvard Brain Science Initiative
The Landscape of Neuroscience at Harvard In the past five decades, Harvard’s campus has given rise to the world’s largest neuroscience enterprise. In 1966, neuroscience began formally at Harvard with ...
HBI For Everyone - Harvard Brain Science Initiative
HBI for Everyone Emerging insights about the human brain have implications for all aspects of human endeavor. This subject matter can capture the imagination of academic thinkers and the general publi...