About | Brenna O'Brien
Brenna O'Brien is a tech educator, speaker, and front-end developer. Her curiosity has led her to explore many different facets of front-end developement, including SVG, CSS, design systems, D3.js, Em...
Blog | Brenna O'Brien
Brenna O'Brien is a tech educator, speaker, and front-end developer.
Work | Brenna O'Brien
Ember.js addon for fancy select-like menus with searching and filtering capabilities. Features fully accessible keyboard controls and data down, actions up architecture.
D3 & SVG animations ...
Professional coaching for tech conference speakers | Brenna O'Brien
Want to become a successful public speaker at tech conferences? I'm here to help you by providing guidance and mentorship on public speaking, proposal writing, talk preparation, and all the bits and p...
On Designing in the Browser | Brenna O'Brien
On Designing in the Browser
Whether it’s fear of a blank text editor or reluctance to change your workflow, it can be tough to try somethings as radical as designing a website through code. But t...
Aligning position:fixed Elements with CSS calc | Brenna O'Brien
CSS calc is aweseome and I found another use case for it.
Ever had trouble getting a position:fixed element to line up with something?
I wanted this floating bubble to sit aligned with my content ...