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A celebration of British Bengali talents, achievements and successes in UK Join[1] BritBangla! The exciting network for professionals & entrepreneurs ...
BritBangla | Sponsorship
Why should you help? With the latest crisis in Bangladesh (30 Million affected), India and Nepal urgent action by the British society is needed. Please do assist with the...
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Kamal-Uddin: Executive member Samiul Kamal-Uddin is a qualified Architect and works for ESA Architects in central London. When he is not designing buildings, he likes t...
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Patron: The Baroness Uddin BritBangla’s continual aim is to raise the BritBengali profile, highlight up and coming and inspirational BritBengalis. The achievement profiles of well-known suc...
BritBangla | Charity
Plan International The BritBangla Launch Event supported Plan International and continues to raise awareness for members to donate and sponsor children. With funds ras...
BritBangla | Contact
News Presenter Lisa Aziz has won an award from the Asian business community and in 2004 won an 'Emma' for Best Television News Journalist. She has also been nominated ...