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Broseley Shropshire, Local History Society
Coronavirus Please note all meetings are postponed until further notice Broseley has strong links with the early industrial revolution. By the beginning of the 17th Century it was a thriving i...
The twisting lanes and haphazard buildings of Broseley hardly bear just witness to the towns historical significance. This is the original town of the Shropshire coalfield. It is the area where the...
. About Us The old Red Church, consecrated in 1767 was a built to provide a place of worship for the rapidly expanding community drawn to work in the coal, clay and iron industries that gave birth to ...
John Wilkinson and the Two Willey Ironworks
John Wilkinson and the Two Willey Ironworks By Ralph Pee and Maurice Hawes (Journal No.16 1988) <![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]> <![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]> To set the story of Wilkin...
. The Red Church and Local Heritage Hidden in the history of the Red Church and the Parish Records are stories of persons who contributed so much to the district when the industrial revolution was bei...
Broseley's History
Broseley Local History Society Incorporating the Wilkinson Society Broseley is in the County of Shropshire and is located south of the River Severn near Ironbridge. It is 7 miles from Telford an...