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Middle East Peace Update Report
A news analysis site dedicated to providing you with up to date intelligence and analysis from the perspective of Bible prophecy. We help you to connect the dots between our headlines of today and the...
Middle East Peace Update Report: Your Word For Today
A news analysis site dedicated to providing you with up to date intelligence and analysis from the perspective of Bible prophecy. We help you to connect the dots between the Bible and our headlines of...
Middle East Peace Update Report: Breaking News
The holy Muslim month of Ramadan beginning in the Middle East Tuesday, July 9, heralds more, rather than less, bloodshed. After at least 51 deaths in a Cairo shootout Monday, Egypt’s military chief...
Middle East Peace Update Report
Middle East Peace Update Report The time is coming when Jesus Christ will shout, come up here, revelation chapter 4. In a moment in the twinkling of an eye, the dead in Christ will rise first and the...
Middle East Peace Update Report: Prophecy & Headlines
What I am about to say will be hard to believe for some, but I believe it is the truth. The chaos we are seeing in the world today is only the labor pains leading up to the tribulation hour. If y...
Middle East Peace Update Report: Bible Studies
Today's report focuses on really two scriptures, Zechariah 12:8-11 and Matthew 23:39. Both scriptures point us to who Yeshua (Jesus) is and what He did for us through His death on the cross. Today as...