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Home | Broward College Office of Advancement and Broward College Foundation
Established in 1971, the Broward College Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and the officially designated means of making private, charitable contributions to Broward College.
Who We Are | Broward College Office of Advancement and Broward College Foundation
Foundation We believe providing the opportunity education makes possible to those who can benefit from it the most is crucial to our community’s future. About Us Established in 19...
Documents | Broward College Office of Advancement and Broward College Foundation
BCF Impact Report 2020Download BCF Annual Report 2019Download BCF Annual Report 2018Download
Empowerment Fund | Broward College Office of Advancement and Broward College Foundation
Empowerment Fund Enabling the Broward College Foundation to address urgent needs of the College in the most impactful ways. Sorry, but your browser does not support this video format. Close prev...
Broward UP | Broward College Office of Advancement and Broward College Foundation
By 2025, more than 60 percent of Florida jobs will require a postsecondary degree or high-quality certificate. There are an ever-increasing amount of area partners collaborating with Broward UP™ to b...
News | Broward College Office of Advancement and Broward College Foundation
August 30, 2023 Florida Blue’s Market Leader Cindy Mason recently toured the Seahawk Marketplace at Central Campus after a meeting hosted by executive leaders, including President Gregory Adam Haile, ...