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About Us – Bharat Sevashram Sangha of North America
The presiding Monk Minister is Srimat Swami Purnatmanandaji Maharaj. At the age of 90, he has been with Bharat Sevashram Sangha for over 68 years. He is one of the most senior monks in Bharat Sevashr...
Services – Bharat Sevashram Sangha of North America
Services Reserve the Main Worship Hall (upstairs) – If you would like to reserve the main warship hall for any of your puja, please email us with your date. Reserve the Basement – If you would like to...
Ashram Activities – Bharat Sevashram Sangha of North America
522 Garfield Ave, Aurora IL, 60506 Ph: 630-301-6039
2024 Events – Bharat Sevashram Sangha of North America
JanmastamiCelebrations followed by cultural program and prasad distribution. You are welcome to bring Bhog Prasad for Bala Gopal (cooked vegetarian food, fruits, sweets, or flowers). 6PMIn person Tue...
Event Registration and Tickets – Bharat Sevashram Sangha of North America
This year Ashram will be celebrating Durga Puja according to Hindu Calendar and Panjika Please buy your tickets in advance. There will NOT be any tickets available for purchase at the Ashram entrance....
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