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What is bullying? | Bullying Free NZ
On this page: It’s easy to assume everyone knows what bullying is. But often the term bullying is used to describe other aggressive behaviour. This can make it hard for schools, parents and whānau, an...
Schools | Bullying Free NZ
Schools The Bullying-Free NZ website is designed to act as a central hub for New Zealand schools. It provides guidance, resources and tools to schools to review, plan, and implement evidence-informed ...
Why does bullying happen? | Bullying Free NZ
Bullying is a relationship problem Students are bullied for lots of reasons. Sometimes they are bullied because they are different, or because they are clever or popular. It can be caused by differenc...
The effects of bullying | Bullying Free NZ
Bullying effects everyone Bullying behaviour impacts the whole-school community. Bullying has detrimental effects on students' health, wellbeing and learning. It can make students feel lonely, unhappy...
About bullying | Bullying Free NZ
About bullying A shared understanding of bullying helps schools, parents and whānau, and their communities prevent and respond consistently and appropriately to bullying. Home
A whole-school approach to bullying prevention | Bullying Free NZ
On this page: Why a whole-school approach to bullying? Evidence now shows that bullying is more than an interaction between individuals, but is a socio-ecological phenomenon that occurs because of wha...