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Law Office Of Theodore W. Small, P.A. – Large firm training & experience in a boutique firm for
Attorney Ted Small The Law Office of Theodore W. Small, P.A. represents business and individual clients seeking personalized legal solutions for employment law, elder law and busine...
Utilizing Human Resources Personnel, Inside Counsel or Outside Counsel for Workplace Investigations
Deciding who should investigate a workplace complaint is critical to an effective defense against an EEOC charge or other employment claim. Management should consult employment counsel on how the sele...
Employment Law – Law Office Of Theodore W. Small, P.A.
EEOC charges alleging religious discrimination have risen dramatically in last 15 years. Religious accommodation disputes generally occur when an employee’s work schedule conflicts with a religious ob...
How One Word Can Change Everything: Forum Selection in Non-competition Agreements. – Law Office Of
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Litigation – Law Office Of Theodore W. Small, P.A.
Although Florida employers have no obligation to give a reason or cause for terminating their “at will” employees, their failure to give a reason at the time of termination may increase litigation cos...
Avoiding Botched Workplace Investigations. – Law Office Of Theodore W. Small, P.A.
When faced with a complaint of workplace discrimination or other misconduct, employers sometimes wait too long to start an investigation, wrap-up an investigation too early, fail to ensure all staff...