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Music — Jesus Bustamante
Original Music You can find below some of the pieces I have written so far. Available on YouTube (Spotify releases coming soon!)
About — Jesus Bustamante
My name is Jesús Bustamante. I am a self-taught musician, photographer and editor residing in Barrie, Canada. I am a firm believer that life is all about expression and storytelling. It is what makes ...
Photo/Film — Jesus Bustamante
All taken with Canon Rebel SL2 & iPhone X. You can find my video editing portfolio HERE. Paris, France (Canon SL2)
- Contact — Jesus Bustamante
- Editing — Jesus Bustamante
NETSTAJ - Türkiye'nin en büyük staj platformu
NETSTAJ Staj Takip Sistemi , Staj yapacak öğrencilerin staj işlemlerini elektronik ortamda yapmasını sağlayan,kağıt israfı olmadan,yapılan uygulamaların verimini ar...