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Birds, Birds, Birds! DVD Video Birdwatching Guide, Birding Quiz, Bird
Song ID
This DVD is designed to help everyone improve their bird ID skills. It's a great tool for people who are just beginning to learn about birds and a useful reference guide for experienced birdwatchers. ...
MP3 Bird Ringtones - 50 local birdsongs for $9.99. Download birdsong MP3
for your cell phone
50 birdsong ringtones on MP3 for $9.99 (Compare with ringtones advertised above) You can also download all 50 birding ringtones as MP3 files for $9.99. Click here to buy all 50 birdsong MP3 f...
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Bird Song Ear Training Guide CD: Songs of birds and birding with
Greater White-fronted Geese?, recorded 3/16/2003 on Harvey Rd. near Schoeberg Marsh, Columbia County. There's Canada Geese mixed in there, too (at the end at least). And as always, a plane is flying...
VO5 Dance Originality album. V05 Danceoriginality
AS SEEN ON MTV! RADIO/PRESS/REVIEWER TESTIMONIALS "It is a rare thing that a band’s heart and soul shines so brightly through all aspects of their creative output. Shamelessly embracing the lighte...