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The Cafe Irreal #13: Seven Prose Poems by Charles Simic
I ran into the poet Mark Strand on the street. He immediately challenged me by drinking a glass of wine while standing on his head. I was astonished. He didn't even spill a drop. It was one of the bot...
Cafe Irreal: Theory: Irrealism and the Dream-State
IRREALISM AND THE DREAM-STATE It's common to describe many of the works we're including under the rubric of irrealism -- from Alice in Wonderland to The Trial -- as being dreamlike (that is, evokin...
The Cafe Irreal Home Page
The home page of The Cafe Irreal, a magazine of irreal fiction that's been online since 1998
The Cafe Irreal | Irreal (Re)views 22
The answer to the question What is irrealism? can probably be answered, if not fully, then at least most concisely, by a consideration of the physical laws that underlie the objects and events depicte...
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