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- Exhibitions | Callewaert-Vanlangendonck Gallery
Publications | Callewaert-Vanlangendonck Gallery
Publications Callewaert Vanlangendonck Gallery does not only organise documented exhibitions, but also publishes art books and art editions.
Vision | Callewaert-Vanlangendonck Gallery
Vision Callewaert Vanlangendonck Gallery, founded in 2012 in Antwerp, Belgium, displays lyrical and geometrically abstract artists from the following groups: Cobra, Art Abstrait, Art Construit, Formes...
Artists | Callewaert-Vanlangendonck Gallery
Artists You may contact us without obligation regarding the purchase or sale of works by our represented artists. This inventory only offers a limited overview.
Paul Van Hoeydonck | Callewaert-Vanlangendonck Gallery
5 September - 2 November 2019 On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, Callewaert Vanlangendonck pays tribute to Paul Van Hoeydonck, who is the only artist with a statue on the moo...
Fallen Astronaut | Callewaert-Vanlangendonck Gallery
Multiple Paul Van Hoeydonck, working with the Callewaert Vanlangendonck Gallery in Antwerp, Belgium and the Breckner Gallery in Düsseldorf, Germany, has recreated his 1969 concept for a celebration of...