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A place where learning and fun meet!
Camp-We-Wanna-Learn-A-Lot: My new home... For the next 9 months!
Here's what I had to work with: Here's what it became: Lockers These are some of the lockers right outside o...
Camp-We-Wanna-Learn-A-Lot: ARRRR...Ya Ready For A Treasure?
Work, Work, Work! It seems everywhere I turn there's work to be done! All work, no play...what a sad, sad day! School is crazy busy with ...
Camp-We-Wanna-Learn-A-Lot: GREAT News!!! All-Day...Hooray!
I just got word that I will be teaching All-Day Every-Day Kindergarten next year!!! It's official! I cannot tell you how excited I am! I d...
Camp-We-Wanna-Learn-A-Lot: February 2013
Well, February has almost come and gone and I am just beginning to talk about Dental Health with my Littles! We began school early this year because we are moving into a BRAND NEW :} building this su...
Camp-We-Wanna-Learn-A-Lot:'s Cold!'s cold here in MN! We are having a good old fashioned BLIZZARD! However, I am nice and cozy sitting in front of the fireplace wi...