Camperize.com » Convert your van into a camper
Camperize.com is full of information about converting your vehicle into a self-contained camper. We cover cabinet building, electrical systems, poptops and hightops, awnings, accessories, and mor...
Poptops » Camperize.com
Pop-tops are the ultimate camper accessory. Sitting low to the roof of your vehicle when not in use, they don’t affect fuel consumption or access to low areas like a high-top does; when parke...
Building cabinets » Camperize.com
Building cabinets
Can you have a campervan without cabinets? I guess so, but having some built-in storage really turns a van into a home, and cabinets aren’t that hard to build.
There are probably as ...
High tops » Camperize.com
Poptops are cool, but high tops have their advantages:
You can stand up in the van any time – no need to pop the top first.
High tops can be insulated.
You can build cabinets into the space of a high ...
Solar » Camperize.com
Free and easy power from the sun! Solar power is gaining popularity as the price of panels comes slowly down, and the technology improves to the point where a good amount of electricity can be h...
Green techniques » Camperize.com
Green techniques
One of the advantages of building your own camper is that you can choose your materials. The materials commonly used by the big converters are often chosen for ease of manufacture, ra...