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CAO At a Glance | China Aviation Oil (Singapore) Corporation Ltd.
The Investor Relations website contains information about China Aviation Oil (Singapore) Corporation Ltd.'s business for stockholders, potential investors, and financial analysts.
- Annual Reports | China Aviation Oil (Singapore) Corporation Ltd.
Home | China Aviation Oil (Singapore) Corporation Ltd.
Jet Fuel Supply & Trading Jet fuel supply and trading is the core business of CAO. CAO is the largest physical jet fuel trader in the Asia Pacific region and the key importer of jet fuel into the PRC....
Our Business | China Aviation Oil (Singapore) Corporation Ltd.
Jet Fuel Supply & Trading Jet fuel supply and trading is the core business of CAO. CAO is the largest physical jet fuel buyer in the Asia Pacific region and the key importer of jet fuel into China. CA...
CAO Reports FY 2022 Revenue of US$16.46 billion and Net Profit of US$33.19 million | China Aviation
News Release
Group Structure | China Aviation Oil (Singapore) Corporation Ltd.
Group Structure | China Aviation Oil (Singapore) Corporation Ltd. Breadcrumb ...