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Home - Cape Town Bakkie Hire
Cape Town Bakkie Hire VIEW OUR PRICING Nissan NP300 Fuel Petrol or Diesel Payment Deposit Retreat +27 (0)21 8366 191 +27 (0)83 2920 113 Terms You get 20...
Trailer Hire Pricing - Cape Town Bakkie Hire
Cape Town Bakkie Hire 2.4 Metre Retreat +27 (0)21 8366 191 +27 (0)83 2920 113 Terms You get 200km free per day and there after R2 per km. We give a empty tank a...
Contact Us - Cape Town Bakkie Hire
Cape Town Bakkie Hire RETREAT Retreat +27 (0)21 8366 191 +27 (0)83 2920 113 Terms You get 200km free per day and there after R2 per km. We give a empty tank an...
Terms and Conditions for Hiring - Cape Town Bakkie Hire
Cape Town Bakkie Hire Terms and Conditions for Hiring The equipment let out on hire always remains the property of Cape Town Bakkie & Trailer Hire. The Hirer will not attempt to sell ,hire or otherwis...
Sample Page - Cape Town Bakkie Hire
This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduc...