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Past Medical History: Frank Blood
Sorry it's been so long since my last post... it's been a very, very busy winter. Ugly and I respond to one of the local nursing homes for a...
Past Medical History: Let's put this one to rest...
Para-myth #472: Giving Albuterol to someone in congestive heart failure (CHF) will cause an increase in pulmonary edema "The Rhode Island pr...
Past Medical History: "The humans are dead..."
I haven't been in EMS that long, so the fact that I have observed changes in the way things are done at all is a testament to the rapid natu...
Past Medical History: The Night Game
He went up to block the shot–a great save by all accounts–but his feet met an unforgiving patch of mud when they returned to the ground. Un...
Past Medical History: Not Taking "no" for an Answer...
"I don't want to go to the hospital." It's a phrase EMTs and medics hear frequently. To some, it is the cue to hold the clipboard in front ...
Past Medical History: June 2008
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