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Students | The Career Center
From choosing a major to applying to graduate school or finding a job, you can find the tools and resources you need to be successful at The Career Center. Plan Your Career Drop in for career advising...
Job Search | The Career Center
FSU graduate students often consider a wide range of employment options both inside and out of the academy. The resources below provide some tips and strategies to help students think about their post...
Undergraduate Students | The Career Center
Certifications Design and navigate your experience at FSU with custom, stackable pathways. Graduate School Exploration/Resources Discover resources for researching programs and schools, as wells as fi...
Plan Your Career | The Career Center
It is our pleasure as Career Center staff to support FSU students at every stage of the career development process. We understand that each Seminole's journey is unique, and we are excited to assist a...
FOCUS2 | The Career Center
FOCUS 2 is an online, interactive, self- guided career and education planning system designed to help you make decisions about your future career goals and education plans. To fully engage with the FO...
Explore Majors and Careers | The Career Center
Choosing a major or occupation is often one of the first career decisions you will encounter as you move through the career development process. Here you will find tools and services to help you evalu...