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Carl Rollyson - Biography and Bulletins
This website is maintained by Carl Rollyson.
Carl Rollyson - Biography: A User's Guide
Carl Rollyson Biography and Criticism Literary Biography No aspect of the genre, from A to Z, goes uncovered: issues around authorized and unauthorized biography, censorship, libel, fair use, public d...
Carl Rollyson - New titles from others and blogging about my own books
Carl Rollyson Emily Dickinson Lola Ridge Selected Works Is there a right way to write a literary life? This collection of reviews from the New York Sun, explores the relationship between narrative and...
- Carl Rollyson - New titles from others and blogging about my own books
Carl Rollyson - Sample Chapters and Articles
Carl Rollyson The controversial American poet Amy Lowell (1874-1925), a founding member of the Imagist group that included D. H. Lawrence and H. D., excelled as the impresario for the “new poetry” tha...
- Carl Rollyson - New titles from others and blogging about my own books