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Undergraduate Catalog | Worcester State University
The listing of a course in this catalog is not a guarantee that the course will be offered in any particular semester. Course offerings are subject to change in response to student enrollment, faculty...
Undergraduate Academic Programs | Worcester State University
Worcester State University offers Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Science (BS) degrees, as well as numerous minors, at the undergraduate level. A list graduate level programs can be found at ...
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Registration and Course Credit Information | Worcester State University
I (IA through IE) NR P F W AU Audit Grade Point Average (GPA): At the end of each semester (and/or summer session), a semester GPA is calculated by dividing the total number of credits attempted (excl...
Program | Worcester State University
A program is an approved academic course of study whether it be a major, minor, or concentration. Major/Minor Major: Upon or after admission to Worcester State University, and in any case prior to the...
Psychology | Worcester State University
Department of Psychology Psychology courses acquaint students with basic principles of learning, motivation, development, and interpersonal relationships, providing a foundation for effective living a...