2023-2024 < West Virginia University
The West Virginia University Catalog is a general source of information about course offerings, academic programs and requirements, expenses, rules, and policies. In order to reach the goals and fulfi...
Undergraduate Catalog < West Virginia University
James Anderson, Davis Michael Professor of Forestry and Natural Resources
Vinay Badhwar, Gordon F. Murray Chair of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Karl Barth, Samples Professorship of Civil and Environmental E...
Academic Programs < West Virginia University
Leonard C. Nelson College of Engineering and Sciences at WVU Tech
Department of Nursing at WVU Tech
Applied Sciences at Potomac State College
Liberal Arts at Potomac State College
STEM at Potomac Stat...
Courses < West Virginia University
A&VS 105. Professional Orientation. 2 Hours.
PR: Freshman standing or consent. Orientation to WVU and the academic programs in the Division of Animal and Veterinary Sciences; related career and pr...
Programs, Courses & Credits < West Virginia University
Academic Definitions
The following definitions are applicable to West Virginia University, WVU Potomac State College, and WVU Institute of Technology.
Degree Designation
A degree, which is an award s...
Admissions < West Virginia University
WVU provides excellent educational programs. The goal of the University’s admission policy is to select applicants who will succeed academically and socially. If space is limited, the bet...