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Membership Information
Participation and Researcher Opportunities: Most of CRF's field work activities are conducted in caves on state or federal lands. Though extensive caving expertise is not a requirement, basic caving s...
NCKMS Call For Papers
Call for Presenters & Papers The theme for the 2015 symposium is "Hidden Landscapes – Hidden Challenges", with particular emphasis on management related to human impact on karst. However, we encourage...
Use of Hamilton Valley
Bunk Houses Location: The Hamilton Valley facility is located in south centeral Kentucky just outside of Mammoth Cave National Park. Description of the facilities: The main ...
CRF Operations Areas
Cave Research Foundation Operation Areas Most of Cave Research Foundation's work is conducted through five different operations areas which are located primarily on state and federal lands that conta...
CRF Projects
CRF Programs and Projects Mammoth Cave Cartographic Program - Chief Cartographer, Bob Osburn: The objectives of the cartographic program are to collect detailed geographic data from the caves ...
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