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CB Antennas | Antenna information 27 Mhz
(single band 28 mhz. /high pwr)on last CQ World Wide RTTY Contest 2013) With his home made 8el U-yagi (28 MHz design) Well done !, and thank you for the beautifull picture. 27-04-2013
Coax Cable only needs to do two things: First we want it, to take the received signal from the antenna towards the receiver. (in the best way it can without loss) And secondly: To bring the transmitte...
Single Loops | CB Antennas
The single “QUAD” element loop antenna. The length of the wire is a full-wave. Different shapes and ipedances with a single loop are possible : We are going to make the 50 ohm variant, ” B” Sizes are...
Radiations Patterns | CB Antennas
The radiation pattern of an isotropic in free space. Free space is the world without “earth or other things” there is nothing for an antenna to radiate or “bounce” against. You can really look at it a...
5,91 M 5el OWA 9,65 dBI | CB Antennas
Director 2 length = 5,110 M Director 3 length = 4,830 M DISTANCES: Reflector to director 1= 1,48 M Reflector to director 2= 3,16 M Reflector to director 3= 5,91 M Feeding the antenna: The radiat...
3,60 DXbeam | CB Antennas
Front to rear versus frequency The impedance is around 20 Ohms -j32. A gamma-match is needed in order to achieve a good SWR.