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ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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O Comitê Técnico, neste caso, o CB26, é o órgão de coordenação, planejamento e execução das atividades de normalização técnica relacionadas com seu âmbito de atuação.
ABNT | ABNT / CB-026
ABNT A ABNT is the official representative in Brazil of the following international entities: ISO (International Organization for Standardization), IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) and ...
About | ABNT / CB-026
About The Technical Committee, in this case, the CB-26, is the coordination, planning and execution organ of the technical standardization activities related to their performance scope, which must mat...
PNS | ABNT / CB-026
PNS PAN is the Brazilian Standardization work program for each ABNT Technical Committee, this program considers the Standard Projects predicted to be worked on during the year along with the schedule ...
IEC | ABNT / CB-026
Get to know: IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is the world leading organization that prepares and publishes the International Standards for electric, electronic and related technologies...
ISO | ABNT / CB-026
Get to know: ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a world federation of National Standardization Agencies, with only one representative per country, looking to facilitate internatio...